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Burns to a dry ash with no real dottle in my clay at least and proved to be a low maintenance reliable smoker. Regularly wiping out the bowl with spirits such as vodka or rum is helpful in preventing souring. Not for everyone and a ghoster of pipes I did enjoy this smoke even though it is a bit rough around the edges.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum bowl on a Falcon pipe. Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Very Full Tolerable Condor is a full flavored, nicotine fortified, love it or hate it blend. I don't know if I will open another any time soon - perhaps it needs a bit of age.
Reducing Tobacco Use - Without a doubt, this is a classic Lakeland style tobacco, but although the usual floral scent and soapy taste that usually fires a warning shot is present, I find the casing to be much more acceptable and palatable than that found in many other brands - notably the Gawiths.
Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is not burned. It is also tobakko as chewing tobacco, oral tobacco, spit or spitting tobacco, dip, chew, and snuff. People in many regions and countries, including North America, northern Europe, India and other Asian countries, and parts of Africa, have a long history of using smokeless tobacco products. A piece of tobacco is placed between the cheek and lower lip, typically toward the back of the mouth. It is either chewed or tobakko in place. Saliva is spit or swallowed. It may be sold in different scents and flavors. It is packaged moist or dry; most American snuff is moist. It is available loose, in dissolvable lozenges or strips, or in small pouches similar to tea bags. The user places a pinch or pouch of moist snuff between the cheek and gums or behind the upper or lower lip. Some people inhale dry snuff into the nose. Are there harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco. Tobakko is no safe form of tobacco. At least 28 chemicals in smokeless tobacco have been found to cause cancer. The most harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco are tobacco-specificwhich are formed during the growing, curing, fermenting, and aging of tobacco. The level of tobacco-specific nitrosamines varies by product. Scientists tobakko found that the nitrosamine level is directly related to the risk of cancer. In addition to a variety of nitrosamines, other cancer-causing substances in smokeless tobacco include polonium—210 a radioactive element found in tobacco fertilizer and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons also known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Does smokeless tobacco cause cancer. All tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, contain nicotine, which is addictive. Users of smokeless tobacco and users of cigarettes have comparable levels of nicotine in the blood. In users of smokeless tobacco, nicotine is absorbed through the mouth tissues directly into the blood, where it goes to the brain. Even after the tobacco is removed from the mouth, nicotine continues to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Also, the nicotine stays in the blood longer for users of smokeless tobacco than for smokers. A Tobakko for Disease Control and Prevention study of the 40 most widely used popular brands of moist snuff showed that the amount of nicotine per of tobacco ranged from 4. Other studies have shown that moist snuff had between 4. Is using smokeless tobacco less hazardous than smoking cigarettes. Because all tobacco products are harmful and cause cancer, the use of all of these products should be strongly discouraged. There is no safe level of tobacco use. People who use any type of tobacco product should be urged to quit. Should smokeless tobacco be used to help a person quit smoking. There is no scientific evidence that using smokeless tobacco can help a person quit smoking. Because all tobacco products are harmful and cause cancer, the use of all tobacco products is strongly discouraged. There is no safe tobakko of tobakko use. People who use any type of tobacco product should be urged to quit. For help with quitting, ask your doctor about individual or group counseling, telephone quitlines, or other methods. How can I get help quitting smokeless tobacco. Talk with a smoking cessation counselor about quitting smokeless tobacco. You can call the quitline, within the United States, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a. Smokeless Tobacco and Some Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines. Lyon, France: World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2007. Smokeless Tobacco or Health: An International Perspective. Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph 2. Surveillance of moist snuff: total nicotine, moisture, pH, un-ionized nicotine, and tobacco-specific nitrosamines. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008; 10 11 :1645—1652. Nicotine content and delivery across tobacco products. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 2009; 192:61—82. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Using Smokeless Tobacco: A Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General. Department of Health and Human Services, 1986. National Tobakko of Health State-of-the-Science conference statement: tobacco use: prevention, cessation, and control. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006; 145 11 :839—844. A clinical practice guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence: 2008 update. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008; 35 2 :158—176. If you would like to reproduce some tobakko all of this content, see for guidance about copyright and permissions. All comments must follow our.
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For me, Condor is like a security blanket: reliable; dependable; always available. People who use any type of tobacco product should be urged to quit. Some people also smoke loose tobacco in a pipe or hookah water pipe. Tobacco may be left in the field from a few hours to two days to wilt. It's a little strong, but I'm happy to recommend it to people who like a tough, masculine baccy. Thick, fruity, syrupy, this blend, which, like many hard-to-get imports, had a positive vogue a few years back, might be pleasing to a fruit-sucking bat in some tropical setting, but not to this super-liberal, cold-loving, snow-frisking, my-only-homeland-is-the-Winter New Yorker. On the down side my wife gave me an ultimatum that unless I stopped smoking it we were finished. Due to the residual scent remaining in the pipe, it may be best to dedicate a pipe to this mixture. The pipe stays lit even if I put the pipe down for a couple of minutes. Very Strong Strong Extra Full Strong Condor is another tobacco that I have been smoking regularly for over twenty years. Then a profusion of flavours. Meerschaum pipes can either be carved from a block of meerschaum, or made from meerschaum dust collected after carving and mixed with a binder then pressed into a pipe shape.